Portsmouth Music Scene

The Portsmouth Music Scene

Dancing Schools

Dancing schools used music, it may have just been someone playing the piano, or even the use of a record player, but sometimes a small orchestra was needed when productions such as Pantomimes were staged.
It would also be a great shame if this part of the Portsmouth entertainment scene was not recorded.

Madam Lester and her Little Moonbeams

This lady ran a dance troup for the young, but that included singing and music.








Madam Lester

Nellie Forrester born 26th October 1903 in Rhyl, Flintshire and died 15th October 1973 at Velder Avenue. She married Ted Smith in 1937 in Portsmouth.

She ran Moonbeams in the 50s, 60s and beginning of 70.
November 30th 1950 - The Portsmouth North Branch of the British Legion concert have Madam Lester and her Moonbeams as entertainers.
1955 April 29th At the Globe Theatre in the Royal Marine Barracks, Eastney, a variety concert presented by Madam Lester's moonbeams.


Mavis Butler's School of Dancing Pantomime 24th and 25th Jan 1970 St Peters Hall Somers Town

BUTLER Mavis Miss Mavis, sadly passed away on January 9th 2010.
Funeral at Taunton Crematorium on Wednesday, January 27, at 12.30 p.m.
A well known and wonderful teacher of dance in Portsmouth for many years. 23/1/2010

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